Diving back in…

Back six years ago, I optimistically started this blog as a way to share some random musings with those who might always be interested in the same topics. I lasted two months–mostly because I tried to tackle a huge, controversial topic and found that the milieu in which I then lived wasn’t interested in a radically moderate and balanced approach to controversy. There were other battles to fight, and that one didn’t seem to be worth the energy at that time, so I let it quietly go, always meaning to get back to it but never quite having the time and inclination to do so.

Until now.

My life has radically changed since then, and I find myself in a completely different world, doing completely different things from those I was doing way back in the innocent and pre-pandemic days of 2015. But I still find myself thinking about interesting things and wondering if other people are thinking about those things, too, and I somehow found myself, quite unexpectedly, with the time and inclination to start sharing those thoughts again. Maybe I’ll only last another summer like I did before. Maybe I’ll keep it going for a year. Maybe it’ll be come a regular part of my routine. Or maybe not. No promises. We’ll see how it goes. But if you are one of the (hopefully many) moderates out there frustrated by our culture’s all-too-easy slide into extremism, someone who instinctively feels that often both sides are right and both sides are wrong and both sides are often confused because they are fighting the wrong battle or fighting the right battle in the wrong way, then maybe you’ll find in these pages a kindred spirit that–at the very least–makes you feel like you might not be crazy or might not be quite so alone. I hope so. As I said, I guess we’ll see how it goes…

Happy reading!